Helpful answers:


Our moss does not require any maintenance, it is preserved, i.e. at the peak of its life cycle it is harvested and persevered in the laboratory, what follows is a 100% live and real moss, however modifying its aging, hypothetically under the right observations dictated by us developers, moss could stay Alive for decades if not forever. Moss will always remain green and in excellent health. Moss is fireproof, aseptic, does not attract dust, does not host any type of life form and is not the natural habitat for any living being. This does not mean that we cannot develop customized prototypes of live moss upon request with construction techniques that allow the materials to not harm the health of your pets (tarantulas, arachnids in general, frogs, etc.). But this will only be possible providing you with the terrarium empty, it will not be possible to add mosses or other stabilized plants. Because the latter would contain substances that are dangerous for the health of the animal. Warning: it is possible that the moss, under exposure to the sun's rays, loses its green color and tends towards yellow, or premature ageing. This is given by the incorrect attention placed in the advice that we always provide during the purchase phase.


Our terrarium is made of glass, we do not use plexiglass or other materials. The joining of the slabs is dictated by a technique that cannot be disclosed. We do not use welding, solvents or toxic additives, nor polyurethane substances. We do not use fluxes of any kind. Soldering or Tiffany technique, even if done correctly, would lead to oxidation over the years. Reason why we don't do welding. The high costs are also determined by the labour, in fact we are the only ones who do not use welding techniques. Our glass could inevitably be stained by our fingerprints, we apologize for the inconvenience. We work with gloves, to guarantee the maximum experience on the part of our consumer, but more often than not, certain processes require a superior touch, which only the bare hand can complete, at the end of all this we clean up your terrarium as best as possible.

(Other flowers or plants):

We can decide to add plants of other kinds, roses, orchids, lavender, grasses, etc. (these plants or flowers are always and in any case stabilized by capillarity and by immersion) we cannot insert elements that have not undergone stabilization processes in order to guarantee the absence of insects.

(Why only stabilized plants?)

We only use preserved or stabilized elements because they do not require a green thumb, in the hectic life of every day it could undoubtedly happen that one forgets to water the terrarium with the consequent death of the plants, this would lead the customer to express his disappointment towards the our product, in order to avoid this in order not to bring larvae, worms, ants, spiders, etc. into other people's homes, we have opted for this solution. Undoubtedly the prices and costs to support this choice are very high, but the result is an absolutely incredible product, scenic, elegant, clean, always green and soft.

(Is the terrarium fragile?) (Does it have doors?)

Our terrarium is equipped with opening doors. There isn't one of our terrariums that is open or that doesn't have an opening. The doors are openable, but cannot stay open on their own. The minimum or maximum resistance pressure of the door on any terrarium is a variable data based on the shape and margin of connection with the rest of the structure itself. However, they are generally extremely resistant. They vary from the support of 2.5 kg to a maximum of 10 kg. Once our terrarium is completed, we do a resistance test which consists in lifting the terrarium itself from the protic alone. This test is used to check for any anomalies, connection problems and possibly quick repairs before the terrarium is placed in stock. The terrarium is by no means fragile, on the contrary it is very resistant and will not yield over time. A suction cup will be provided for opening the door. Warning, the doors do not represent a perfectly symmetrical or sealed hermetic closure, the door is only used to access the inside of the terrarium, it is not an aquarium. Do not introduce fish without our permission.

(General service info)

You can find all the info relating to shipments, returns, terms and conditions, withdrawal rights, privacy policy, in the menu at the bottom of the site. They will not be included in the FAQ. Integrations relating to other services already present in the relevant boxes.